Author: Madelynn Duffield

  • Determining the Right Mindset

    Determining the Right Mindset

    During the 2008-2009 recession, the top 5 companies in the 1% for the Planet saw record sales years, while most other companies were losing money. In times of economic downturn, such as this, people spend less and do business with companies they respect and trust, while in a thriving economy, people gladly purchase products that… Read more

  • Growing a Company That Doesn’t Grow

    Growing a Company That Doesn’t Grow

    Excessive and blind growth can contribute greatly to business failure. Growth must be balanced with meaningful, long-term strategies. “Growth-hacking” is a term coined to describe the exponential growth tactics commonly applied within Silicon Valley tech startups. This concept employes pushy and sometimes even shady tactics to promote growth in spite of excessive production of churn… Read more

  • What’s Required to Lead

    What’s Required to Lead

    This chapter reviews who should lead a company of one (p. 45). The idea of a company of one can be implemented in an entrepreneurial sense, but also in an intrapreneurial sense as well. Not only can an individual create a company of one, but they can also introduce this mindset to their work within… Read more

  • Staying Small as an End Goal

    Staying Small as an End Goal

    This chapter discusses the key concept involving one’s target market and the center point of any company, its customers. Jarvis states that “too often businesses forget about their current audience- the people who are already listening, buying, and engaging” (Jarvis, 2020, p. 25). These individuals are far more important to a business than the people… Read more

  • Defining a Company of One

    Defining a Company of One

    This is the first chapter of the book Company of One by Paul Jarvis. The first key takeaway to note is as much as one may enjoy growing their wealth, there’s a point of diminishing returns if one does not also take care of themselves and their well-being. This work-life balance is something that must… Read more

  • Prologue


    Company of One, Paul Jarvis I have read a few business-related books in the past, such as Start Within by Karen Holst, Zero to One by Peter Thiel, The Hard Thing About Hard Things by Ben Horowitz, The Millionaire Real Estate Agent by Gary Keller, and a few others as well. In a general sense… Read more

  • Professional Marketing Interview with Subject Matter Expert

    Professional Marketing Interview with Subject Matter Expert

    Access all references for this content & some bonus ENT 610 class content here! Read more

  • Marketing Events Calendar & Proposed Budget

    Marketing Events Calendar & Proposed Budget

    Click here for a more comprehensive written explanation of the proposed narrative! Access all references for this content here! Read more

  • Professional Marketing in Real Estate

    Professional Marketing in Real Estate

    Why Is Marketing Important? Businesses within all industries can benefit from marketing, as it can aid businesses in increasing brand awareness, engagement, and sales, through various media plans and promotional campaigns. Marketing is used for growing businesses to stay competitive and maximize their return on investment; therefore, it is important to utilize marketing benefits to… Read more

  • Media Plan

    Media Plan

    The video below provides a narrative explanation of the proposed marketing plan and objectives. Click here for a more comprehensive written explanation of the proposed narrative! This video provides an in-depth analysis of the marketing initiatives and the proposed budget! Access all references for this content here! Read more